What is Real Estate Law?

What is Real Estate Law?
Property law is considered civil law, but there are two areas within property law: General Property Law and Special Property Law. Do you need help with property law in Gothenburg? Do not hesitate to contact us.
Different types of Real Estate Law
General Property Law
General Property Law concerns rules and agreements around the purchase, rental, formation, transfers, ownership, and leasing of properties, which is also summarized in the Land Code.
Special Property Law
Simply explained, Special Property Law concerns rules between the public (such as the state and municipality) and property owners. It concerns rules around environmental law, property plans, property formation, expropriation, etc. What one should keep in mind is that Special Property Law has many elements of public law, such as mandatory legislation, strong formality, and also a strong position for the principle of publicity.
The property law legislation can be found in Swedish laws such as;
- The Land Code
- The Property Formation Act
- The Facilities Act
- The Utility Easements Act
- The Expropriation Act
- The Housing Cooperative Act
- The Planning and Building Act
- The Environmental Code