The construction agreement

The construction agreement

A construction contract is often preceded by negotiations before the contract is concluded. Depending on whether it is a smaller contract or a larger one, some contract contracts are entered into orally. Oral agreements apply just like written agreements, and in other words, there are no formal requirements when it comes to construction contracts. Regardless of whether the contract is small or large, it is always recommended to write a written agreement to avoid misunderstandings between client and contractor. If it concerns larger contracts, it is most common to use written agreements, and these can often be very detailed and complicated. A written agreement is always preferable from a proof point of view.

 If it is a public procurement of construction contracts, the LOU applies, the law on public procurement which places certain requirements on the agreement and the time for signing. If the contract is not covered by the LOU, the purchase of the service can take place exactly as the client wishes and there are no form requirements for the agreement. 

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